The Jilting Of Granny Weatherall Critical Thinking Essay

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From 1914 to 1939 the United States experienced both terrible and wonderful events. World War I, women’s suffrage, the Great Depression, and the Harlem Renaissance all occurred during these years and from them came a new look on life. This period became known as the Modern Period where a new sense of creativity evolved. Katherine Anne Porter lived through the Modern Period and contributed to the literature of this time. She wrote “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall” which takes a look at the life of a woman who had many trials, but made the most of what she had. This story begins with Granny Weatherall on her deathbed with her daughter Cornelia and a doctor taking care of her. During this time her thoughts switch between present and her conscience. …show more content…

Youth involves making decisions that may lead to bad results. In time people mature, but youth suggests inexperience and naivety. Granny Weatherall meets a man named George and they decide to marry. On their wedding day George never shows up at the church. Throughout her life Granny Weatherall remembers this day and the pain she went through. While lying in bed she thinks to herself, “ for sixty years [I] had prayed against remembering him and against losing [my] soul in the deep pit of hell . . . and the thought of him was a smoky cloud from hell that moved and crept in [my] head” (774). As Granny Weatherall grew older she sees this wedding as a mistake due to her age, but she never forgets him. Later Granny Weatherall met another man named John whom she could love and they …show more content…

Granny Weatherall, “pulled through mild leg and double pneumonia” during her marriage with John (774). Due to the death of John she raised her four children all by herself. She talks about all the chores she accomplished to take care of them. She says, “I had fenced in a hundred acres once, digging the postholes herself and clamping the wires with just a Negro boy” (773). Acting as a midwife and nurse Granny Weatherall took care of many people and animals. Thinking proudly to herself she thinks about, “sitting up nights with sick horses and sick Negroes and sick children and hardly ever losing one” (774). While thinking this she comes to the conclusion that John would feel very proud of her and understand what she went through. Granny Weatherall went through many trialing times in her life, but succeeds in making it through all of them alive and

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