The Island, by Athol Fugard

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The Island is indeed an actor's play, for acting is its central metaphor and idea: acting as a means for the acting out of one's life, acting as a form of survival, and acting as a basis for (political) action.

In The Island, two black prisoners, John and Winston, are men whose political stands against the state have caused them to be incarcerated, sentenced without determinable end in Robben Island prison. They are dressed in shorts "to look like the boys their keepers would make them." But clearly the authorities wish them to be far, far less than boys, for the prisoners are treated with extreme brutality and are given the sorts of tasks meant to reduce them from men to beasts, to annihilate the last shreds of their humanity.

Their humanity, however, remains intact and it does so because the two men continue to act as humans by using dramatic acting as the means for sustaining their humanity. Improvisation becomes the means through which John and Winston understand and practice their humanity.

The opening actions of The Island provide a painful, moving dumb show from which the drama that follows can be built. The extended mime of John and Winston's labours with wheelbarrow and sand shows the dehumanising, pointless tedium of life on Robben Island. With the blast of a second whistle, the transfer of sand concludes and a new mime commences. This time John and Winston are handcuffed, joined at the ankles, and forced to run in tandem. A subhuman race is portrayed, "They start to run ... John mumbling a prayer, Winston muttering a rhythm for their three-legged run" Rather than reducing them to despair or turning them into tortured animals, it serves to evoke the very things that raise men above bestiality manifested in John...

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...sland, John and Winston present their Antigone play, but it is a presentation informed on the one hand by John's and now Winston's comprehension of the Antigone legend as an archetype of resistance, and on the other by their understanding of the Sisyphus legend in much the way that Camus understood it. And in his last scene, Fugard pulls out all his stops to create a coup de théâtre that is not an end in itself but a subversive means to enlightenment and political engagement. Brian Crow astutely writes, "[T]he ability to `act,' to assume a new identity however temporarily, is here as in Sizwe Bansi a form of self-protection and a strategy for survival, allowing its exponent as well as its audience (the real one as well as the imagined prison audience) to achieve an understanding and a renewed commitment to struggle in spite of the horror of the situation."44

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