The Invention Of OLED

684 Words2 Pages

OLED attracts attention and interest of numerous engineers and scientist in display development. What makes OLED outstanding? OLED brings humanity to whole new level with its advancing technology. Ordinary glass or window acts as a separator and protector that provide visible vision is no longer a glass, but posses the ability of information displaying with the assist of OLED technology. “Smart Window”, one of the innovations of Samsung company that having some unique touches function on the window such as applications and widgets. The device act as a transparent touch screen LCD that can be installed in any window. Reading article, watching TV, and viewing weather forecast on the window give user new and innovated experience. During day time, illumination is provided from outside while at night, the built-in light will activate. Basically, the glass works like a one-way mirror viewing from outside, providing privacy concern. Other than that, it provides the ability of changing room lighting condition. This concept also applies to car windshield. The invention of Global Positioning System (GPS) aimed to lead people to desired destination. It guide user to destination through shortest or fastest path which allow better and easier travel experience. Basically, traveler follows the path instruction by listen to voice indicator, but there are some vague cases that make traveler tends to look at the GPS navigation device screen for more accurate information which increase the risk of accident. By introducing OLED to car windshield, the GPS data is embedded in the windshield. Appropriate color and visibility of guidance arrow indicator can appear on any position of the windshield (changeable position that suitable for different user), w...

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...e 10-inch screen. Imagine an ultra thin and yet flexible smartphone on the hand, user will never have to worry about the weight and difficulty to put a 5 inch large display phone inside the pocket. Besides, OLED has the potential to redefine the present lighting solutions. Many new types of lighting solutions will be possible in the future. For example, office ceilings may replace by luminous ceilings instead of ceilings that illuminated with strip lighting. The ceilings can also be designed to simulate an artificial sky and landscape for better experience. The modern city of the future could be enhanced by integrating OLED light surfaces. For example, colorful skyscraper with flowing lights that improve better night view of the city. The combination of reflecting or transparent panels and flexible design will definitely bring new kind of comfort to human in future.

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