The Increasing Popularity of Yoga

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The Increasing Popularity of Yoga

With an increasing trend in western culture toward the use of alternative therapies, yoga is emerging as a primary means for achievement of both physiological and psychological wellness. Traditional yoga utilizes a combination of both physical and spiritual methods for faciliatation of self-improvement. The origin of yoga has not been clearly identified, however archeaological evidence suggests its existence as early as circa 1300BC (Starre 1989). Starre suggests that there are four main branches of traditional yoga practice, one being Raja yoga. Raja yoga addresses mental and physical control by using techniques to perfect the body, calm the mind, and increase spiritual awareness. Of particular interest to health care professionals is Hatha yoga, a subdivision of Raja yoga. While Raja yoga is considered a more "meditative" form, Hatha yoga involves the practice of specific body postures and deep breathing exercises. These characteristics provide for a yogic practice that is more physical in nature. Typically, in today's popular practice, it is the external form, or technique (Hatha yoga) that is empasized, while the internal form, or attitude, intention and mental aspect (Raja yoga) is overlooked (Desai 1985). However, a fairly new approach to yoga, called Kripalu, combines the techniques of both Raja and Hatha yoga, and is emerging as the popular yogic practice.

Yogi Amrit Desai created Kripalu yoga in 1970. Previously, Desai had spent nearly twenty years mastering the art of traditional yoga, and is widely regarded as a yogic authority. As stated, Kripalu yoga is a synthesis of both Raja and Hatha yoga techniques. Desai has termed Kripalu yoga, "meditation in motion," a prac...

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...d movement. The yardstick is then moved along the top of the box unitl it reaches the subject's fingertip, establishing their specific zero point, while accounting for differenecs in limb length.

After establishing the realtive zero point, the subject then completes the test by slowly reaching as far forward as they can. The end-reach position must be held for a minimum of two seconds to obtain accurate measurements. Three trials were taken and recoreded to the nearest eighth of an inch. The average of these trials was used for analysis.

Assessment of the fitness variables mentioned above, as well as completion of a Beck-Srivastava Stress Questionnaire was obtained again after five weeks of yoga participation (mid semester), and following ten weeks (close of the semester/finals). This data was prepared and analyzed for comparison and reporting of results.

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