The Importance Of Spirit In Laura Hillenbrand's Unbroken

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One often hears tales of humanity’s greatest feats from friends, family, and the media - whether it is a groundbreaking scientific discovery or a miraculous survival story, it is only natural for humans to marvel at which they cannot comprehend, including the awe-inspiring deeds accomplished by other humans. However, if one merely stops to reflect upon these aforementioned feats, one will quickly realize that every single individual who has accomplished one of them, from Marie Curie to Usain Bolt to Queen Elizabeth I, had a single thing in common: spirit. In fact, said individuals are not unlike the protagonist of Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, Louis Zamperini, who possesses the same iron will and drive. In Unbroken, Louis “Louie” Zamperini withstands the countless trials and tribulations of war, both big and small, all with the help of hope, his undying spirit, and shatterproof dignity. Additionally, despite all of the hardships he faces, he finds it within himself to forgive his tormentors when his ordeals are finally over. If there is anything that Louie’s story teaches readers, it is that the human spirit is incredibly strong - one can endure almost anything if one’s dignity remains intact. In Unbroken, Louie’s spirit is what drives his intense desire to live, and it, coupled with …show more content…

Louie Zamperini, once just a regular kid with an unusual amount of spirit, weathers the harshest circumstances imaginable, and when he comes close to losing the hope and dignity that kept him alive, he is saved by the faith and forgiveness offered by the ones who care most about him. In the end, it is the extraordinary spirit inside this ordinary boy that transforms Louie from a rebellious teenage troublemaker into a courageous war hero. It makes one wonder about the things one can overcome when minds are set, hands are joined, and spirits remain

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