The Importance Of Poetry: The Human Experience

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I never read any poem before I took English 101B. I bought “Literature The Human Experience” for course requirement this semester, so I read a lot of poems from this book. Actually English is my second language, I just have moved to The United States of America three years ago. I had so many problems to read article such as novel and fiction, but I can easily understand the poem. I think the key is that the most of poets just use very simple words to show us the deeper meanings. The forms of poem are also diverse. I tried to compare them to Chinese poetry, and I found there are so many similar places. Poets from East and West both put a lot of emotions into the poetry. Then they can use the poetry to chant history, praise love and criticize humanity. These all can be showed by the simple words. It is the magic of poetry! I prefer to read and enjoy some poems about life because this kind of poem can let me enter a fictional world. I can judge the situation from God’s perspective. Apart from the textbook I tried to search more materials about life on the Internet. These poems all gave me a lot of implications about life, and I will cherish them in my future life. These poets write limited text for unlimited life. The first poem is “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost. “Robert Frost was one of the finest of rural New England’s 20th …show more content…

This kind of poetry is more difficult to understand, and people may get a wide variety of thoughts about it. Then I tried to search some different stuffs what I am interested in. I was attracted by a name — William Carlos Williams. He was an American poet closely associated with modernism and imagism”(Wikipedia). After I read some his works, I thought his feature of creation is to stick with spoken language. He can use a loose phrase to state a clear and concise description of image, and the reader need to understand the deeper meaning

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