The Importance Of My Carbon Footprint

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Considering that I live in a country that has a great consumption of resources compared to other countries around the world, I was not surprised to see that my carbon footprint was above the desired level. My carbon footprint was 15.64 metric tons of CO2e when I tested it in a website, and there are many things in my life style that made it reach that high level. The thing that contributed by far the most to my carbon footprint was the usage of my car. I was not surprised to see this since I use my car quite often. Even though I live on campus, I have my car with me so I can visit my family during my free time. I visit them about once a week and also I have a guitar lesson I attend that is also once a week. All of this really puts in the millage and of course my carbon footprint
This section consisted mostly of food but it also had questions relating to the type of car you drove, fashion and other things. My score for the “secondary” section was an astonishing 6.58 metric tons of CO2e. I think what made it so high, was the fact that I do not recycle often. I only do it when the opportunity is given to me but I do not go out of my way to do it and I think that is a problem that I need to fix because recycling is highly important. Products that you used are thrown away and through recycling, they are utilized again. Recycling is a great way to keep my carbon footprint low and also it helps aid the environment. Something that I could do that would help the environment even more is composting. Composting not only lowers your carbon footprint by recycling, but you also help the ecosystem tremendously. By letting organic products rot in the soil, you are helping the growth of new vegetation. The soil is able to absorb all the healthy nutrients that the organic products contain, and with it you can grow more organic vegetation, which helps sustain the environment because nothing goes to

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