The Importance Of Mass Media

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Mass media is a profound tool in conveyance of messages to a wide range of audience. On the one hand, mass media is very useful as it keeps us informed; conversely, it can be destructive and biased and may convey messages that reduce the self-worth of a person making them lose their identity (Sellnow 27). For instance, advertisements that sexually objectify women often reduce their worth to material possessions that have a price tag on them. This destroys one’s identity in that they are regarded as mere products instead of being considered valuable as human beings with feelings and a mind of their own. How one views themselves from other people’s point of view is therefore skewed. Moreover, women are considered as things, which is an infringement …show more content…

Additionally, most young girls have adopted television and social media as their surrogate parent and it often educates them, talks to them, serenades them, mingles with them, and informs them on what is right or wrong. In the same media, their minds are often flooded with the imagery of thinness that promises them ‘flawless beauty’ as well as fame, fortunes, unlimited love, authority and power as well as independent decision-making (Kellner 17). It is sad that young people often buy into such empty promises, especially the adolescents who are the largest users of mass media. The media often sells the idea that adulthood entails being extravagant, using artificial beauty products and enhancers to boost their self-image and beauty. Young people are often confused by some messages that are passed on mass media (Wolf 50). For instance, an advertisement for body lotion may be promoting premarital sex as a way of getting teenagers interested in their product. These messages often shape their self-image; self-confidence and they are thus seduced into purchasing such products in their quest for achieving ‘flawless

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