The Importance Of Interpersonal Relationship

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Interpersonal Relationship In 2008, I began working for an airline called Virgin America. This new company promised to revolutionize flying by doing all things different. Frontline employees, as myself, were asked to participate in a new way of doing things from management to guest services. Previously I worked with millennials on other projects however, the nature of this job required extensive interaction with several generations. The thought of working with a millennial initially seemed like a simple condition however as I learned through this relationship, there were many differences that I dismissed. In doing so, it is my opinion that I missed valuable growth opportunities. For this research, we will discuss the relationship between a …show more content…

They experienced the recession first hand while they were in the work force along with baby boomers. In reaction to this they found the need to put in extra work to keep their jobs (Johnson, M. 2015, pg.6). In their upbringing they were taught to respect their elders and authority but due to economic downturns they, like millennials questioned authority (Johnson, M. 2015, pg. 6). However, unlike millennials Gen X’ers do not seek approval nor direction from their superiors (Blain, A. 2008, pg. 13). Research shows that millennials need the approval of their superiors, not to tell them what to do, but as motivational support (Blain, A. 2008, pg. 13). Knowing these social perceptions we can further analyze the interpersonal relationship between the millenial and the Generation …show more content…

Verderber and r. Verderbeer suggests to approach intergenerational communications with “assertiveness, questioning, perception checking, describing behavior, and owning feelings” tactics (Verderber & Verderber, 2012, pg. 455). Assertiveness is providing messages that represents your expectations and standards in a clear and sincere manner while respecting others perception (Verderber & Verderber, 2012, pg. 341). Questioning is demonstrated through inquiring to clarify the message (Verderber &Verderber, 2012, pg. 206). Perception checking is the process of seeking feedback on personal interpretation (Verderber & Verderber, 2012, pg. 49). Describing behavior is stating clear facts for a description and avoiding one’s opinion/ bias in the description (300). Finally, owning is clarifying the difference in a statements as coming from the speaker or resulting from hear say (Verderber & Verderber, 2012, pg.

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