The Importance Of Individuality On Social Media

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Individuality is defined as the quality or character of a particular person or thing that distinguishes them from others of the same kind. A way to put this into simpler terms is that it is what makes a person different. There are many different ways to express individuality; the way someone dresses, the type of music they listen to, their hobbies, and their opinions. Many people feel obligated to make their opinions or thoughts known by posting them on social media sites such as Facebook. There has been a lot of controversy lately over what should be allowed to be posted on Facebook. Many people and advocacy groups argue that the first amendment gives Americans the right to post whatever they please on Facebook. Others believe that things …show more content…

This right is guaranteed by the first amendment in the constitution. As technology has advanced and times have changed, some grey areas have arisen in the first amendment with what can be posted on the internet; such as Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of social media. Some people believe that what can be posted on the internet and should be censored because it stays there forever and has ruined people’s lives before. Others, such as the ACLU, believe that the freedom of speech should apply to the internet and should not be impeded. The government already restricts speech with certain limitations. Common limitations relate to libel, and obscenity. Libel is defined as a false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation. Obscenity is something that is very hard to define. It can be characterized as anything that is offensive; whether it be in words or in actions. The only reason the government can make these restrictions is because of the “harm principle”. The harm principle is the belief that no one should prevented from acting any way unless it their acts are invasive on the acts of others. It also depends on whether they influence a third party’s opinions or actions negatively to the second party constitutes harm or not. Freedom of speech is something that is essential to Americans’ feeling of security and individuality and is often part of the reason why people come to America; because in many countries, especially in the middle east, people can get persecuted for simply stating their

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