The Importance Of Impression Management In My Life

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We humans put on many shows and performances throughout our lives. We are all actors playing different roles at any given moment; we change who we are and how we behave base on the role we are playing. We act differently depending on the stage we are on, and with whom we are around. In each stage we want to present a different impression, we do this because we want to manage the impression we give to others about ourselves. Our society places people into categories. Labels and symbols are used to subconsciously prevent us from escaping the categories in which we have been placed.

I chose to Saturday, April 17th, 2015 to record my life because I interact more with people on the weekend, I am mostly on the computer on weekdays. I woke up at 10:00AM, and the first thing I did was call my boyfriend. We live together. However, he wakes up earlier than I do. We had a brief conversation about our plans for the day, then I took care of my personal hygiene and had breakfast while replying to a text from a friend in Dallas, Texas.

At approximately 12:00PM I went downstairs to my office; since I own my own business and manage several websites I do not have the luxury of a weekend off from work. I …show more content…

The way we have a sense of self is by seeing how we are being reflected in other people’s eyes; it is known as the looking glass self. When interacting with others, I notice that my sense of self diminished because my thoughts and actions were being influenced by the norms of society. Sociologist Erving Goffman laid the foundation for symbolic interaction through his dramaturgical theory of social interaction. “ Goffman had used the language of the theatre to describe the social facade we create through such devices as tact, gestures, front-stage, behaviors, props, and scripts” ( 93). According to Goffman, we make judgment about class and social status based on the

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