The House On Mango Street 9-11 Analysis

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Chapters 9-11: It made me feel scared that Esperanza’s mother is not getting better. I could imagine how scared and upset that Esperanza felt. Her sick mother asks her to take out her grandmother’s blanket. This brings up all the bad things that had happened so far, her father’s death and the smoke of the fire and all the ups and downs that had been in her life so far. Her mother needed her grandmother and her mother got sicker and sicker. It is so sad and that her mom would be listless, crying and giving up. They aren’t going to have any income if her mother isn’t working and Esperanza is taking care of her. They won’t have enough money to pay for the medicine. This reminds me a little bit about Obama Care and I wonder if more people will be in this situation where they can’t afford health care. When Esperanza’s mother has to go to the hospital I wonder if her depression will get worse if she is away from her family. It is so sad that Esperanza feels like she failed her mother. That must be the worst feeling. I think that the mother is going to die and I don’t know how Esperanza is going to take care of herself. It is impressive that she starts to work. I don’t think that Repatriation is right. That would be …show more content…

I feel bad for the workers because of the low wages and poor working condition. I was totally on their side but then when they started yelling and threatening Esperanza and the other workers just because they had to go to work to take care of their families I got mad. They should be trying to help each other to fight against the unfair conditions together. It is not fair that the poor worker are being put in danger because they are continuing to work. Then when they found the snake I was scared. I can’t imagine how scared they must feel trying to work and knowing that they could be killed by a snake. This makes me wonder if this sort of thing happens often and if strikers are always so

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