The Hobbit Persuasive Essay

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Today when we hear the word “hobbit”, most people think of the famous story about Bilbo Baggins. They once roamed the earth that we live on today: “The hobbit mystery was sparked by the 2004 discovery of bones on Flores that belonged to a three-foot-tall (one-meter-tall), 55-pound (25-kilogram) female with a grapefruit-size brain… persisted on the remote island until about 18,000 years ago, even as "modern" humans spread around the world, experts say” (Roach). This discovery was not the only one questioned about being “hobbit-like”. When this body was found researchers first thought that they had discovered a young child’s body, but later admitted that “hobbit-like creatures” once lived on the earth based off of the evidence they found. “The top of a skull appeared next, followed by the jaw, pelvis, and a set of leg bones still joined together—almost the entire skeleton of Hobbit” (National Geographic). Hobbits were once alive and became extinct from other species that colonized around where they were living and took most of their resources. The hobbits died off and the other species lived a little bit longer until they eventually died off as well (Roach). The word hobbit was used before Tolkien used it in his fictional novel widely known today. The …show more content…

Midgets have a very hard time fitting in even as young children. Children get picked on and bullied at school. They are easily picked on by other students and don’t feel like they fit in with everyone else because they are smaller (Mayo Clinic Staff). Most midgets prefer to be called “little people” because being called a midget can be offensive. Many people view midgets as hard to live with just because they aren’t the same as them. Children and adults have a hard time finding clothes in stores that work for them because their sizes aren’t common. Most have to buy kids clothing because they don’t have a section in the adult clothing that is made for

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