Ancient Greece

693 Words2 Pages

Ancient Greece was the most highly developed civilization. It was the birthplace

of the first Western civilization. It was located in the continent of Europe. Also, Greece

is peninsula and it is on a land near the Mediterranean Sea. I believe it is the most

advanced ancient civilization because the Ancient Greeks introduced some very

significant contributions to the world such as certain things in philosophy, art and

architecture, and math and science. Additionally, the ancient Greek had organized

social factors.

The ancient Greek had an organized and advanced way of living. Greece in the

archaic period (ancient Greece) was made up from city-states which were called Polis.

The two most important city-states were Athens and Sparta. As I have learned from, the society was primarily broken up among free people and slaves.

The slaves were owned by the free people and were used as servants and laborers. As

the society evolved, the free men were separated between Citizens and Metics.

Citizens were born with Athenian parents and were the more powerful group. They

could take part in the government of Polis. However, Metics were of foreign birth and

had to pay taxes and sometimes serve in the army. The social classes only applied to

men since women took their statuses from their husbands and were not allowed to take

part in public life. The ancient Greeks also had a very sophisticated government. The

majority of Greek states were governed by rich landowners, called aristocrats c. 800

BC. Furthermore, there were three main forms of government in ancient Greece. The

website discusses about the three types. Monarchy is “rule by a

king. One city-state whose government...

... middle of paper ...

...multiple differences,” states ndawqs from “China’s economy

was focused on the internal trade and technological advancements while agriculture,

trade, and slavery made the foundation for Greece’s.” Although, ancient Greece was

more influential on the modern world and ancient China was more influential on Asia


In conclusion, the most advanced civilization was ancient Greece. The ancient

Greek made significant contributions to the modern world such as philosophy, art

and architecture, and math and science. There are many arguments by others who

believe that ancient Greece was not influential to India or that ancient China was more

advanced, however ancient Greece helped shape the modern world. The Greeks had a

very highly developed way of living. Also, they had a sophisticated government and they

were the creators of Democracy.

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