The Harmful Effects Of Underage Drinking

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Peer pressure is pressure from friends or other teens to do something one does not really want to do is and is one of the strongest forms of influence. Teenagers are particularly susceptible to peer pressure and confront it daily. Sometimes it has a positive outcome but more often than not, it has a negative result. Underage drinking is one of those actions that peer pressure impacts in a negative manner. Peer pressure on teens to drink alcohol often produces unhealthy, if not dangerous and illegal, situations. Peer pressure to drink alcohol can cause personal bodily injury. The teenager who drinks too much can become sick and even end up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. Excessive drinking, or for that matter, any amount of alcohol can cause someone to pass out, choke on their own vomit and suffocate. It can also make one lose their memory of what happened, perhaps even waking up without any clothes on. This is a disturbing effect of underage drinking. Teenagers and their friends do not always know when they have “had enough” and often drink way too much. Drinking games or binge drinking and the need to “socialize” or “fit in” can lead to these and other dangerous situations. …show more content…

Someone starts out as the designated driver but takes “just a couple of shots” (because of peer pressure) drives and endangers his life. Worse, the drinker could hit another car and injure or kill a stranger, himself or his friends, an event that would change everyone’s life forever. Teens often see someone who is extremely drunk as humorous rather than as a danger to themselves or others. They may try to do something risky because they are so drunk and their friends, who are also drunk, are cheering them on, with no thoughts of the consequences. They may exhibit aggressive or violent behavior towards those around them or cause property damage or

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