The Han Dynasty Civilization: What Made Your Empire Successful?

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This should be at least one page and should be typed. Write a clear picture of what this civilization was like during healthier times, during its prime. What made your empire successful? What were its strengths? Include a map of the empire. The Han Dynasty was founded by Liu Bang, who from the Legalist Qin Dynasty, formed the Han Dynasty, setting up a government using principles based on Confucianism. Another emperor Wudi made an academy that trained officials based on Confucius, complete with examinations and selections by merit. He also expanded the empire and drove back Xiongnu, leading to 150 years of peace and growth. The empire was expanded to southern China and the northern part of Vietnam, and New commanderies were established in Korea , and contacts were made with the western regions of Central Asia. The conquest of Ferghana and neighboring regions in 101 B.C., which allowed the Han to seize a large number of the “heavenly” long-legged horses valued for cavalry maneuvers, also gave China control of the trade routes During the Han Dynasty, Poetry, literature, and philosophy flourished. One text written during that time was Lessons for Women by Ban Zhao, which describes appropriate behavior women should follow. …show more content…

A generation later, China flourished again under the Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 A.D.), which ruled from Luoyang, a new capital farther east in present-day Henan Province. Organized around a north-south axis and covering an area of approximately four square miles, the city was dominated by two enormous palace complexes, each 125 acres and linked by a covered pathway. Ban Chao (32–102 A.D.), a member of an illustrious literary family, reasserted Chinese control of Central Asia from 73 to 94 A.D. Trade, less rigorously controlled than in the first part of the dynasty, expanded, with caravans reaching Luoyang every

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