The Great Gatsby Honesty Quotes

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I’m a honest man- for the most part. Yeah I’ve been dishonest about a couple things here and there but I wouldn’t call it lying. I’ve just been sugar coating the truth. Okay, so i’m not “the son of some wealthy people in the Middle West- all dead now” (Fitzgerald 65), and I might not be telling the whole truth about me being “brought up in America but educated at Oxford, because all my ancestors have been educated there for many years” (Fitzgerald 65) , but does anyone really tell the truth nowadays? I have a reputation I need to keep. People already say I’m a bootlegger and they’ve come up with these wild conspiracy theories on how I gained my wealth. I just hope they all know that’s a secret I’m taking with me to the grave. People think I don’t …show more content…

What if Daisy decided to finally step foot in my mansion, only to realize that there is in fact no party because I decided I wanted to sleep in? Who am I kidding? If Daisy wanted to come to my parties she would have shown up a long time ago. I bought a house on the West Egg “so that Daisy would be just across the bay” (Fitzgerald 79). But it seems like the only connection I have with her is from the green light that shines from her dock- but this ends now. I hope Jordan Baker is able to convince Nick to set up tea with Daisy. It’ll be casual, I’ll play it cool. “Hey old sport! I just stopped by to see if- Daisy? Is that you? How’ve you been? Oh, me? I’ve been great! The house next door? Yup, that’s all mine!” Wait, no, no that sounds dumb. “Hey old sport! I just wanted to let you know that- Daisy? Oh, hey! How long has it been? 5 years? Not that I’ve been counting or anything I just…” (*deep breath*) Smooth Jay, smooth. I need to come up with something to say. This is the love of my life I’m talking about for goodness sake! I’m planning ahead. Will she even agree to tea with Nick? Will Nick even agree to hosting teas? And when she sees me- if she sees me- I don’t even know how she’ll

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