The Great Depression In Irene Hunt's No Promises In The Wind

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The nation’s hopes and the will to survive availed the people through the Great Depression. During the 1930s, the United States underwent a recession. It was a difficult time for many households to survive. Many families were penniless, ravenous and separated. In the novel, No Promises in the Wind by Irene Hunt, the Grondowski family experienced those hardships. Through the tough times, the depression took physical and emotional impacts on the family. The young boys, Josh and Joey leave their home in Chicago to not be a burden to their parents. The boys have to learn how to survive by themselves in the capricious world. The Grondowski family was able to get through the recession by holding on to hope and having the will to survive. The Great Depression had various causes leading to devastation. The stock-market crash in October 1929 is a significant event in …show more content…

He is always angry at Josh and lashes out at him. Powerless to provide for his family, Stefan takes his anger out on Josh. Hungry with no job, Stefan is exhausted. To support his family, the man of the family has to work hard. He sees Josh that should be the one to provide if he cannot, as useless because he plays the piano. Stefan does not consider that to be a hardworking man’s job. Additionally, Stefan becomes impatient. He becomes impatient with Josh because he believes work should be of a higher importance. He does not want to wait around to see his family helpless. Correspondingly, Stefan becomes more stubborn. When he lashes out at Josh he does not want to apologize to him. He does not want to admit his behavior is irrational. His rages become more frequent and they go without an apology. In addition, Stefan acts unloving to Josh. His attitude towards Josh decreases because of the loss of his savings and of the loss of being a proud man with a job. Stefan was a hardworking man, but with the loss of his pride he has changed

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