The Grandmother In A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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“A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor has a variety of characters throughout the story. When the story opens you meet the grandmother, followed by her son Bailey, then his wife and their children. In the middle of the story, you meet Sammy and his wife. And finally you meet The Misfit, and his two accomplices, Bobby Lee and Hiram. Although there are several characters throughout the story, Stephen Bandy observes, “There are really only two characters in this story: the grandmother and The Misfit” (Bandy). The grandmother is a central character to the story because her actions, and reactions, are the catalyst for a grim ending. In Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” the character of the grandmother is selfish, critical, …show more content…

In the beginning of the story, it is made known that Bailey does not want to travel with the family cat because of the hassle it would cause at the motel. The grandmother knows this, but she feels the cat would be better off traveling with the family. Instead of listening to Bailey’s concerns, the grandmother sneaks the cat, Pitty Sing, into the car and does not tell anyone. This small act of selfishness is compounded when the grandmother is startled by the realization that she was wrong about the plantation’s location, and the cat leaps out of its hiding spot and causes the car to wreck. O’Connor writes, “The grandmother was curled up under the dashboard, hoping she was injured so that Bailey’s wrath would not come down on her all at once” (366). Her first thought is undoubtedly about herself and her own well being. Once the family emerges from the vehicle, the grandmother declares her injuries instead of asking if her family is okay. When The Misfit first makes his appearance, one of the questions the grandmother often repeats is an inquiry as to whether or not he would shoot a lady. After it’s apparent that The Misfit aims to do harm to the family, she never once pleads for anyone’s life but her own. Not only is the grandmother a selfish person, but she is also critical of others throughout the

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