The Giver Theme Essay

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The Giver by Lois Lowry is the book where people in the community have no memories and no experience. The citizens have no connection with their past and they can't remember things then they cannot remember pain and its as they never experience it in the first place. Jonas is the only one who sees other people's experiences. The memories are taken away from the people. Jonas is the only one who experiences the memories because of his job as the Receiver of Memories. The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it, memories need to be shared. There is no true happiness without memories.
This community is an important setting because it provides the reader a quick look of life without memories. Just as we cannot understand or experience things without doing it,so they are unable to feel the true happiness, because they have never experienced anything. “The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it”. So this tells importance of memories by showing us how meaningless life is …show more content…

They decide what job you get, what's your role, who will you marry etc.people in this community cannot make their own choices, the life in this community is not yours, people just playa release a servant in the community. They dont remember their past, by that they dont know whats wrong and right. so , by not knowing their past they don't realise what's sameness and that the advantage in the community “why do you and i have to hold memories?.” it gives us wisdom.. Without wisdom, i couldn't fulfil my functions of advising the council of Elders when they call upon me.” this shows how memories give wisdom and only the giver and the receiver have it. It shows how the other citizens are poor of that and need the giver to help them for all their needs. They cannot make their own life decision. They must call upon another for the answers they

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