The Girl With The Pearl Earring By Johannes Vermeer

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Everyone is familiar with Leonardo Da Vinci’s, Mona Lisa, but what about the “Mona Lisa of the North”? Johannes Vermeer’s, The Girl with the Pearl Earring, has been called just that. The Dutch artist, Vermeer, has long been known to be one of the greatest Dutch artists in the seventeenth century, which is also referred to as the Golden Age. The Girl with the Pearl Earring is one of his most famous paintings. This particular work of Vermeer’s was painted using oil on canvas in c. 1665 and can be found today in the Mauritshuis art museum in The Hague Center, Netherlands, which is home to the very best of Dutch Golden Age painting. This paper will analyze the artistic style and aesthetic of Johannes Vermeer’s painting, The Girl with the Pearl Earring, and interpret the meaning behind who the mysterious subject is in this highly renowned work. …show more content…

She is set in a very dark space but there is a sense of light being casted from the left side, which illuminates her face. She has a very soft complexion, which is due to Vermeer’s artistic style, and is gazing at the viewer from slightly over her shoulder. She appears very simple and contains such a delicate beauty, leaving the viewer even more intrigued by Vermeer’s mysterious

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