The Georges And The Jewels: A Literary Analysis

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Can characters evolve during a story? Can readers see a change when the the story is in a first person point of view? A good example is in the passages Black Beauty, Black Beauty is about a horse who has a bad outlook on being tamed and then changes and has a great outlook on being tamed. You can also look at a character change from the text. Of course in The Georges and the Jewels,which is about a girl who’s showing cowardice towards her new horse and how she needs to ride the horse and flashes back to when she actually loved the horses she had. In the passages, Black Beauty, and The Georges and the Jewels both stories resembles how characters can grow and develop in thoughts. While both stories are in first person point of view which brings …show more content…

Proven from the text “ I did, with the wind knocked out of you and think about how nice it would be not to get back on, because that horse is just dedicated to bucking you off.” As well as this phrase from the passage ... I lay there feeling how warm she was and smelling her fragrance and In thought, I never heard of this before. I don't know why she did that, but now when Daddy tells me that horses only know two things, the carrot and the stick, and not to fill my head with silly ideas about them, I just remember that mare. The first quote suggests that Abby didn't have any perseverance and she was showing cowardice and wanted to give up because she thinks that the horse didn't want anything to do with Abby and she is having a terrible experience with horses.Abby’s conviction of horses reveals how Abby is irritated every time she gets on her horse. In her latest viewpoint,she is having a terrible experience with horses getting bucked of of a horse every time she gets on showing a little bit of cowardice and no perseverance. In addition to the text flashes back to when Abby used to like horses and she had a different perspective on horses then than she did now. So Abby reminisces on memories she had with her old horse to make her feel better about her experience now. Abby then used to love horses showing affection and being eleemosynary from when she saw horses as lovable rather than aggravating. Every Time Abby would be in a bad position of riding a horse she would remember her mare she used to have when she was a little girl. Furthermore, This conveys that Abby doesn't completely like horses and is irritated at the horse she has from bucking her off and she would and this is different from when she was cuddly and she would adore

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