The Five People You Meet In Heaven Character Analysis

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Has a person ever existed that hasn’t judged someone else in their lifetime? Judging by reality as well as literature it seems that no person like that has ever existed. It appears that it is human nature to want to separate others as purely good or evil. Does everyone fit into the mold of good or evil? In the two novels The Five People You Meet in Heaven and The Catcher and the Rye the main characters are morally ambiguous and this plays a major part in the novels as a whole and the theme the authors are trying to portray. Throughout The Five People You Meet in Heaven, there is moral ambiguity shown with the main …show more content…

Both of the main characters are presented as morally ambiguous along with protagonists. The conflicts in these novels are person vs. self. In The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Eddie is conflicted with himself because he doesn’t think he has lived his life to the fullest and he has failed as a person. Correspondingly Eddie has a conflict with his father, who has always defeated him whenever he was up. He was always looking to seek approval from his father and he wasn’t able to receive it at any time in his life. Therefore, the conflict with his father soon developed into a conflict of his own residing with himself. With the novel The Catcher in the Rye, Holden has a problem with his own self because of the struggle he has with adulthood and change. He makes up a fantasy land where his world is innocence which represents his childhood. The differences that make up the two novels are the themes. Reoccurring themes that show up in The Five People You Meet in Heaven are sacrifice, forgiveness, and love. Whereas in The Catcher in the Rye the themes that exist are change, loneliness, and the painfulness of growing

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