The First Mansion By St. Teresa Summary

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St. Teresa begins the first mansion by describing the plan of the book and how it relates to the soul. The soul is a castle composed of many rooms and St. Teresa sees it as necessity that the interior life should be understood as it relates to our final destination. Prayer and meditation are the ways by which this castle can be entered. Beginning the description of the first mansion, St. Teresa treats of souls in mortal sin; she describes them as filthy and they can make no profit in anything. Next, Teresa describes the immensity of the mansions and how humility must always with the soul if it wishes to progress. With humility, the soul can see how imperfect it is next to God and the soul can meditate on the goodness and perfection of God. …show more content…

Teresa begins her lengthy treatment of the sixth mansion by describing how the soul aspires to reach the last mansion and of the many trials, both interior and exterior must be undergone before reaching it. God increases the soul’s longing and love for Himself. Next, Teresa describes various phenomena that can occur in prayer such as locutions or ecstasy in prayer. God causes these favors by increasing the love of soul for Him and unites the soul to Himself; what is revealed in this makes a permanent imprint on the memory, but one is not always to describe what God reveals. St. Teresa mentions that soul must have great courage in these favors so that God can do what He wills. After describing ecstasy, the flight of the soul is described; it appears as if the soul has left the body. These favors are great graces from God, but one should not have excessive desires to see God as it may prove a hindrance. Another favor described is that of the joy felt by the soul for God; Teresa asks that the sisters praise God often. Souls in the sixth mansions are urged by Teresa to keep the humanity of Christ ever before them and to meditate on the Passion as well. Teresa recalls the fruit of doing so herself. Furthermore, intellectual and imaginary visions are described; Teresa explains that these favors are described so that the souls may identify them and understand the effects of each. Teresa also counsels that complete truthfulness should be practiced as it is bound up in humility. …show more content…

When I first finished it, I realized the immensity of the spiritual journey. The initial temptation was to think about where I was in the mansions. Going back and rereading the first few mansions helped me to realize the wisdom in these pages and also to know that my path will be different as there are many mansions. I had not thought of my soul as a castle of crystal and the description of a soul in mortal sin was a sober warning. It made me try harder to avoid mortal sin so that my soul can reflect the light of Christ and I can advance in the mansions. I have tried to put into practice Teresa’s advice of self-knowledge: reflecting on God helps me to realize my own nothingness. When I read Teresa’s words on perseverance and how God waits for the soul, it reassured me that He loves me and will show me what He wants from me. Further on, Teresa speaks of the silliness to expect spiritual consolations when I am so imperfect; reading this made me realize that I was like this as I expected much despite being so weak. The humility that Teresa often speaks of I have tried to make a more intentional part of my life, but it is not easy as I like praise. Detachment from the world is necessary, but I like many things about the world. Teresa speaks of wanting others to follow in our footsteps and how this is to be avoided; I in pride think that the little I know is best and have a

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