The Financial Hardship Of Life And Poverty In The 2010 Haiti Earthquake

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A thick cloud of dust evades Haiti on January 12th 2010 (Paliardy) as the 7.0 magnitude earthquake shatters the hearts and homes of many. Even though that day was grim and destructive, it was a celebration of survival for the Cherisma family. Seven days later the unexpected happened to Fabienne Cherisma “ a daughter, sister, a source of love and pride for her family.” (Carroll) Edward Linsmiers captured the sudden tragic death of an innocent teenager that day opening the eyes of society to the fearful, corrupt and poverty that Haiti was in due to the earthquake that occurred earlier that week. This photography expresses a deep cry for help by the Haitian people. Face down on the dusty rubble infested concrete roof is Fabienne …show more content…

The Haitian people are worried stiff day-to-day where the basic needs of; clean water, food and shelter are going to come from. The heartbreak and devastation that takes place during the 2010 Haiti Earthquake was an “estimate of some three million people were affected-nearly one-third of the country’s total population’ (Paliardy) bringing the country into more poverty than before the earthquake. Looking at Edwards photo and the body language and background of the story people were cold and selfish. Taking money out of Fabienne’s lifeless hand, poking and moving her body around and looking at her with no emotion at all. Fabienne’s death is a picture of an unsafe corrupt environment “not from nature’s violence” which would be the earthquake “but from human action.’ (Carroll) With the unwise decision to shoot a gun in air bringing chaos under control, to the people previously living in poor conditions in homes that are poorly built and slum conditions. “ Tens of thousand lay obscured beneath rubble she lay limp and exposed on a bare roof top.’ Haitian people are living limp and exposed as a result of the poverty level, living on less than $2 a day and with no help from the government they try to fend for

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