The Final Journey - Original Writing

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The Final Journey - Original Writing

As he turned torn, he felt the cold edge of the revolver strike the

back of his head, the blood started to flow. Seconds after dropping to

the ground, in the pool of dark, red blood, he was lifted by a huge

man. He wore a dark, black suit, with faint white pin striping,

running vertically down the beautifully smooth suit, with a small

white handkerchief, creeping from his top pocket.

The giant man lifted the body, and dropped it onto his huge, sloping

shoulder, and calmly stepped over towards the car. Using his free

hand, he maneuvered it into his pocket, and removed a set of keys. He

then threw them into the lock, and twisted the key, which looked lost,

in his vast hand. He then flicked the boot lid up with ease. Then the

silence was quickly broken, with the thud of the body sliding from the

mans shoulder and dropping in the boot of the car. Then, another sharp

pause, before the man raised his huge arm to pull down the boot lid,

which made a shuddering crash, as it connected with the lock

The mammoth-like man then swung his huge frame around, and carefully

scanned the area, checking each corner in turn. After confirming his

safety, he removed the handkerchief from his top pocket and mopped the

face from his face. After replacing the handkerchief precisely in the

same position it was before, he again checked the area, again each

corner in turn, and again he was still safe. Now it was time to leave.

After pulling a gigantic gulp of air, he reached out with his large

hand to grab the keys from the lock. As he leant over to grab the

keys, the sounds of the groaning body could be heard, but were muffled

by the cold, steel boot lid, but none of this seemed to faze the man,

he simply removed the keys from the lock, he swung his huge frame

around, and made his way to the door, he somehow managed to move

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