The Fault in Our Stars

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A Romantic about teens who are in love but one has a terminal illness. The factors that make this an effective movie trailer for this movie is the dialogue, the Scenes of action, and the actresses and actors. The dialogue in The Fault in Our Stars plays a big role, really capturing what the movie is about. After a meeting Augustus Waters approaches the main character and asks “What’s your name?” She replies with “Hazel.” He says “What’s your full name?” she sates her full name “Hazel Grace Lancaster” a short pause occurs between both of them and she says “Why are you staring at me?” he replies with “Because you’re beautiful.” This dialogue is very important due to the fact that this is a love story between a boy and a girl, but with a twist. They just met and he goes off right off the bat and compliments her on being beautiful. This might evoke the feelings of a hopeless romantic who likes this type of romanticism. Another piece of dialogue is when they are sitting on a swing set in the back yard. He says “You realize that trying to keep your distance from me will not lessen my aff...

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