The Fault In Our Stars Personification

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The Fault in Our Stars was written by John Green. Published in January of 2012. This book was the sixth novel written by John Green. The novel was inspired by Act 1 Scene 2 of Shakespeare’s play Julius Ceaser.
The story begins with 16 year old Hazel Grace Lancaster. Diagnosed with a cancer that has spread to her lungs. Forced by her mother she attends a teen support group where she meets Augustus Waters, a 17 year old with Osteosarcoma that claimed his right leg. They click immediately. The two agree to read each other's favorite novel. Hazel gives Augustus Imperial Affliction. Augustus gives Hazel The Price of Dawn. This is just the beginning of their love story.
Hazel Grace is the main character in the novel. Augustus waters is also an important main character. They are extremely important to the story. Without these two characters the story wouldn't work. Isaac is a minor character. Hes Augustus best friend. He was the reason Hazel and Augustus met in the beginning of the story. Kaitlyn, Hazel's superficial best friend. She is a minor …show more content…

This is an example of a simile comparing the support group to Hell. The next literary element used is personification. "That's what I believe. I believe the universe wants to be noticed. I think the universe is improbably biased toward consciousness, that it rewards intelligence in part because the universe enjoys its elegance being observed. And who I am, living in the middle of history, to tell the universe that it-or my observation of it-is temporary?" I believe this element was used to show a deeper look into the universe and what it's about. "They don't kill you unless you light them," he said as Mom arrived at the curb. "And I've never lit one. It's a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing." Augustus made Hazel think he was a smoker but he had a reason for his

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