The Extent to Which Differences in Educational Achievement for Different Social Classes are Based on Factors in the Home

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The Extent to Which Differences in Educational Achievement for Different Social Classes are Based on Factors in the Home

To some extent but other things as well out side the home such as the


There are differences in educational achievement for different social

classes based on the factors in the home. For example a child could be

living in a rich, big house and another child could be living in a

small and poor house. The difference is that one child has the money

to provide for resources such as books to develop his learning. As

where as the poor child dose not have money to buy resources to

develop his learning. Although education is free, there are costs

involved. This will affect the children’s achievement in school

because one student will know the knowledge and the other will be

lacking it.

Moving onto parental attitudes and expectations, the parental

attitudes and expectations play a major part in the educational

achievements of children. For example some parents might have high

expectations for there children. This will have an affect on them and

encourage them to achieve well and aim high because there parents are

expecting good stuff from them. As where as if some parents don’t

expect there children to do well, this will have a negative affect on

the child because he/she will not achieve well in exams because they

will have the same negative attitude as there parents.

Furthermore the school plays a major part in educational achievement.

There might be factors inside the school which will affect children’s

achievement. For example one factor can be when teachers might label

students bright or thick by looking at their physical appearance,

personality or behaviour. Also teachers judge and classify students;

this often effects the student’s achievement. Moreover this can affect

children’s achievement, for example if a teacher labels a student

bright, he/she will expect high grades from the student. This will

help the student to achieve and do well. Another factor in the school

is when pupils become fed-up with the school and form anti school

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