The Explanation of Design in a Scene

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Explanation of design OPENING and MENU On scene 1, a short opening of the storyline of the movie will appear gradually, using text and images with different effects like brightness, tint, alpha… The introduction aims to make a favorable impression of the movie and hence stimulate users' interest. Also, users can save time by clicking SKIP button to enter the MENU page. The scene will stop at the image of the royal family tapestry, which at the same time is a button that gives users the choice whether to continue. After clicking the button, the image will divide from central into two parts and go separately to left and right as the background turning brighter, which creates a door-opening effect. The image is selected on purpose. In the movie, during a fight with her mother, princess Merida sliced the family tapestry between the pictures of herself and Queen Elinor in a fit of rage. The image is used as a foreshadowing to create interest and to build suspense about the rift between mother and daughter. Then we will stop at MENU page. All the elements will jump into the stage separately while moving around and changing in sizes. Apart from the name and background image of the movie, there are different buttons, so users can control when and where they want to go next. PLAY and STOP buttons can turn on and off the background music. From here we can go to STORY, CHARACTERS, VIDEO and ABOUT ME pages. Each page contains a button to go back to the MENU page to head to other pages. To make it more user-friendly, at the left top of these pages, there is a consistent navigation bar which allows users to go directly to other pages without going back to MENU page. STORY Before entering STORY page, there is a brief opening. Here we intent to ... ... middle of paper ... ...n be used to create a ‘hole’ through which layers under it are visible. Also, we can manipulate the content with motion tweening to create the effect showed below. Animations The face animation: At first, draw different parts of the face and convert them to graphic symbols, such as eyes, mouths ... Then combine these parts into different emotions, convert to graphic symbols. Finally we can use these emotions to create a movie clip. Other animations: moving, scaling, rotating or changing in color of the content can be used to create simple movie clips showed in ABOUT ME page. Navigation bar A simple navigation bar with rollover buttons can remain consistency from screen to screen, so that users can go to other pages without relying on the Back to MENU button. Tween Effect A lot of photos and content texts used the tween effect, for example rotating, flying, moving...

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