The Enlightment Movement: The Great Awakening

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Between the late 1600s and 1700s a movement began in Europe called the Enlightenment and later another movement was started by the colonist called the Great Awakening. The Enlightenment movement focused on science, reason, observation, and many natural laws were discovered during this time by people like Newton, Franklin, Galileo, and many more. Many went from a God centered way of life to a man centered view on life; science and reason was used to answer the questions when it came to the various mysteries of life. The Enlightment movement caused people to think differently about religion and people began to question the church when it came to their right to rule over the people (Schultz, 2013). One philosophy that came out of this time …show more content…

Ministers did all they could to stir up the emotions of the colonists and taught that the individual was important to the whole group. They also preached about how a person should live a godly life and perform good works in order to receive salvation. A few of the things that came from the Great Awakening was that the colonist became deeply religious and many new churches were built since attendance increased. Colleges were built that did nothing but train new ministers; some of the colleges built were Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Kings College of New York, Princeton, and many others. Many of these ministers taught that all men were equal and that authority should be challenged along with they started charities and organizations that did charitable deeds. The Great Awakening was incredibly different from Puritanism that emphasized a calm and virtuous life with emphasis on reason whereas after the Great Awakening a person becoming emotional was a sign of faith as was expressing their feelings, along with the teaching that salvation was not earned by performing good deeds but by faith. Another outcome was that people were encouraged to find a church that suited their needs, to question the leadership of their pastor, and encouraged to allow their religious beliefs to influence

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