The Elder Scrolls V. Skyrim: Book Review: Skyrim

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1. Game Summary

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the fifth installment in the Elder Scrolls series that takes place in a magical frozen world called Skyrim. As a newly discovered Dragonborn you are tasked with the challenge of preventing the dragons from returning and wreaking havoc on the world you have grown to love (Or hate!). The Game designer (while an amazingly creative guy) Todd Howard did not actually come up with the idea of Skyrim, but more brought it to life. His vision of how the world should be sets the realism of the experience at a level that makes the user feel he truly can speak the dragon language. Since this is the fifth Elder Scrolls game to be released, there are other games that are similar to it in nature. Obviously, the previous versions of Elder Scrolls series bear a striking resemblance to Skyrim in gameplay and feel.

1.1. Genre

Discuss about the genre of the game. Provide several similar genre games and compare those games’ approach with this one.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an Action role-playing game which is a common genre in the game industry. BioWare’s Dragon Age: Origins for example, is an Action role-playing game as well. While Dragon Age, and Skyrim are some of my top favorite games, there are quite a few games that also share the Action role-playing genre. For example, all of the following games are considered “Action Role-Playing Games”: Dead Island, Fable, Dark Souls and the Diablo series. Although these games share the same genre they approach it from different perspectives, giving each game a unique and wondrous feel. Games like Diablo III for example, may have a unique camera perspective, but still deliver a great role playing experience with loads of action throughout. Fable and Dark S...

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...ent of The Elder Scrolls series are much better than the previous versions. Many different faces that actually look realistic as opposed to the older versions of the series where the faces had more of a block like feature (If they had a 3d face to begin with)
7.2. Animations
The Animators used motion capture to get most of their animations captured before they tweaked the final animations. They used real martial artists fighting in suits of armor

7.3. Music
The music of Skyrim was recorded with the landscape and setting in mind.
Orchestras of grand instruments playing alongside a chorus of 90+ men singing in Dragon language add wonders to the feel of Skyrim.
7.4. Sound Effects
The Sound Of Skyrim has had as much tender love and care as the rest of the game. Grand epic feelings and sound that dynamically plays as you hack and slash your way through the environment.

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