The Effects of Media on Anti-Social Behavior

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The Effects of Media on Anti-Social Behavior“

The media are a form of mass communication, with the internet, radio,

television, newspaper and advertising surrounding us, and therefore

the media is increasingly blamed for violence in our society.

Programmes such as wrestling and computer a game are blamed for

aggression in playgrounds and films such as “Childs Play” have been

blamed for murders such as that of James Bulger. The argument is

whether media are positive and negative in influencing violence.

There are several explanations of media influences on anti-social

behaviour, one being that of desensitisation. This argument assumes

that, under normal conditions, worry about violence reduces its use.

Media may, however, inspire aggressive behaviour by desensitising

children to the effects of violence. The more televised violence a

child watches, the more acceptable aggressive behaviour becomes for

that child. Frequent viewing of television violence may cause

children to be less anxious about violence. Therefore those who

become desensitised to violence may perceive it as “normal” and be

more likely to engage in violence them selves. The desensitisation

hypothesis claims that excessive media violence diminishes the disgust

with which we normally view violence and makes us more relaxed about

its consequences. However research lacks in support of this claim and

some research even shows a complete opposite. Goldstein, for example,

found that immediately after seeing a violent film, men were more

concerned about murder, and more punitive towards those who commit

murder. This finding was confirmed across four different countries

and therefore showed no support for the desensitisation hypothesis.

Therefore as evidence lacks in supporting the desensitisation

hypothesis it does not support the debate that the media has an effect

on anti-social behaviour, showing that if media does have an influence

it is due to another factor or something completely separate to the


Another explanation of media influence on antisocial behaviour is

observation learning. Bandura argues that television can shape the

forms that aggressive behaviour takes.

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