The Effects Of Drones On The Extinction Of Bees

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When you think of things that could possibly devastate mankind, one would usually think of nuclear war, a plague, something hitting earth from space, and so on. What you don't really thing about is that the extinction of bees could be just as bad. In the case that something like that could happen, some scientists got together to develop a robotic bee drone to help the bees out in pollinating flowers to improve crops and the food they bring in.

To illustrate just how important bees are, around 3/4 of all crops rely upon bees and other insects to be pollinated. Things like pesticides, land clearing and climate change (all human causes) have really hit at the population of bees in the past few decade.

Eijiro Miyako and his collegues at Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology have created a drone that transports the pollen between the flowers just like a bee. The drone is about 4 centimeters wide and weighs 15 grams. You didn't really think a 2 foot drone is going to be hovering around flowers, did you? …show more content…

When the drone flies onto a flower, the pollen grains stick to the get on the horsehair, then when the drone travels to the next flow, it rubs off just like a bee.

"We hope this will help to counter the problem of bee declines," says Miyako. "But importantly, bees and drones should be used together."

I really hope something like this will come to aid the bees , but I hope that we as a species can stop shooting ourselves in the foot by killing off species necessary for our own survival. Have a look at the video below to see this bee drone in

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