The Effect of a Large Membership on the Success of a Pressure Group

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The Effect of a Large Membership on the Success of a Pressure Group The success of a Pressure group is based on a number of factors. One of these factors is Membership of Pressure Group. Mass membership is extremely useful if the group wishes to make an impact on the media. Large scale demonstrations, marches or even strikes are newsworthy and may catch the public imagination, but they necessarily lead to influence. In fact, the use of indirect methods, such as demonstrations, can be interpreted as a sign of weakness rather than strength. The social background of the members can be very important as well. A membership with middle-class, public schools, and university backgrounds can be very important in building contacts with members of the civil service or the government. This is why insider groups like BMA and Bar Association maintained insider status for a long time. Similarly members of the Friends of the Earth had senior managerial, administrative, professional, educational, technical and scientific occupations. But still the size of membership of a group is by no mean the most important. There are other factors such as knowledge, wealth and importance in society. Pressure groups with knowledge know the issues and the political system because a great deal of their influence depends the credibility they can build with the decision makers. MPs, minister and civil servants turn to pressure groups for information. To achieve an insider status the information must be reliable. A weal informed group will be aware, for example, of the limited power of MPs and will use them to ask questions of ministers propose amendments to legislations and perhaps introduce private member bill. As minister rely on civil servants for their advice so a civil servant is an excellent target for a pressure group activity. Wealth too determines the nature of a pressure group the trade union movement’s members are particularly wealthy but their numbers make the movement relatively rich. Instead of a big membership a group can also have small in number but rich members.

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