The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction of Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid

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The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction of Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid Sodium chloride + Sulphur dioxide + Sulphur Plan The rate of reaction is the speed that the reaction occurs at. It can be effected by the following: * Concentration of reactants * Temperature * Surface area of reactants * Presence of a catalyst Out of those factors, I am going to investigate the effect temperature has on the rate of reaction. I will do this by recording the time it takes for the cross to disappear. I think that as the temperature increases, the rate of reaction will increase. The graph below shows what I think my results will look like. If you increase the temperature by 10°C, you approximately double the rate of many reactions. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The reason why I think that increasing the temperature will cause the rate of reaction to increase is because of the collision theory. The collision theory says that the particles of the reactants must collide with each other, with enough energy in order to be effective and make the chemical reaction occur. In order for the particles to react with each other, they need a minimum amount of energy. This is known as the activation energy. If the colliding particles have less than the activation energy, the particles just bounce off each other and no reaction occurs. When you increase the temperature, the particles gain energy and move around more. This means that they are more likely to collide with another particle and allow the chemical reaction to occur. The fact that there are more collisions taking place in the same amount time, it means that the rate of reaction will have increased. Another reason why, as the temperature is increased, the rate of reaction will increase, is because as the particles gain energy they move around faster and so, they collide with more force.

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