The Devil's Arithmetic By Jane Yolen

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Imagine walking through a door and realizing you are in a different place at a different time. What would you do with that? The Devil's Arithmetic is a book by Jane Yolen. It is about a girl named Hannah who time travels to the time of the Holocaust and gets shipped off to Auschwitz. After many months, maybe even years, in the camp, she switches places with a girl to go to the gas chambers. After walking in, she time-traveled back into the present. Out of these events, I think the major conflict Hannah faces that shapes her personality throughout the novel is when she gets yelled at by her Grandpa Will. Another one is when she is not ready to adhere to being a Jew. A battle Hannah faces is when Grandpa Will yells at her for drawing a tattoo …show more content…

78, pg. 78. 4) In this quote, Hannah is complaining to her mom because she has to go to Passover with her relatives. She had just come from her friend Rosemary's house while they were celebrating Easter. Her grandpa embarrasses her and doesn’t want to go to his house. This conflict is man vs. self, as she is in a constant fight within herself to accept herself. This quarrel is one of the many that Hannah faces while on her travels, but I think it is one of the most important ones that helps her character grow. Another one of the other conflicts is when Hannah is working to accept her religion. She thought that it might please Grandpa Will as much as the new baby had. For a moment, he stared at her uncomprehendingly. Then suddenly he grabbed at her, screaming in Yiddish Malachi-ha-Mavis over and over, his face gray and horrible. Yolen, pg. 78, pg. 78. 9. Hannah was at her little brother's party with all her relatives when she thought of drawing a tattoo on her arm to match her grandpa. He did not appreciate it as much as she thought he would. The conflict that is being shown is man versus man, since her grandpa slapped and screamed at her. Hannah does not want to go to the Seder because she is disconnected from her

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