The Desolate Housewife

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The Desolate Housewife
In the Elegy “She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways”, William Wordsworth tells the audience about a woman named Lucy who lived in isolation and died a lonely death. This poem is one of a series of five by Wordsworth all centered on what is assumed to be a fictional character by the name of Lucy. In all 5 however he writes about this character as if her death caused him serious anguish. In the poem Wordsworth uses figurative language, various vowel frequencies, and the unique speaking apparatus of humans to produce different moods and tones throughout the poem.
Wordsworth starts off the three stanza poem by describing where an unnamed woman lives in the first two lines. “She dwelt among the untrodden ways/ Beside the springs of Dove”, in these two lines Wordsworth tells the audience that the woman lived where no one went by the springs of dove, which was a river in England. Next Wordsworth tells us that she was never praised and very few people loved her “A Maid whom there were none to praise/ And very few to love:”, obviously besides himself. In the next line he u...

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