The Deer Monologue

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The Deer One day, in the heart of winter, there lived a 10 year old girl. The dirty-blonde haired girl’s dad’s hunting buddies and cousins came over. But in the girl Alyssas’ opinion, they had helped themselves into her barn, in need of something for the doe they caught. Alyssas’ mom, sister, and she were cozy inside their heated little house preparing dinner in their warm and toasty Christmas-themed clothing. Previously, her dad had informed Alyssa that they had hunted and killed a female deer. Alyssa shyly wondered, interested, Maybe I could sneak out there, avoid their ‘important grown people’ comments, and catch a peek without them seeing me. . . ? Finally, after a mental prepping she prompted herself outside. The fifth grader sauntered over to get suited up, her head light with anxious …show more content…

Trudging up the multi-colored tan and brown stone path, realization finally had decided to throw the truth at her smack in the face. Alyssas’ dad, Keith, was joking! Duh! The winter-suited girl scolded herself lightly inside her head. Once she reached the welcoming country house’s closed glass door, she could already taste the delicious dinner cooking and feel the warm amber glow of the fire. As she puffed out a breath of cold air she could see clearly in front of her frozen face, the 10 year old stepped carefully inside and slid off her snow-dusted winter boots. Alyssa panted with effort as she yanked the door to close. Yikes, she complained, I really wouldn’t mind if we made this a ‘pull’ door. “Whatcha doin’?” She recognized the greeting of which had come from her mom. Before the cold girl replied, she stretched out her frozen-stiff legs one at a time, though still on the weaved doormat. “Hmm, nothing much.” Alyssa answered her ‘dinner-busy’ mother with an easy white lie. Seeing the “oh, really?” look in the dark-haired adults’ eyes she instantly regretted her simple

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