The Death Penalty Should Be Allowed

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The heaviest punishment towards convicts is death penalty in law. It means to atone for an offense is dead. Of course, it will not execute for every criminal. Death penalty is only for felons. For example, a people who murdered someone would not get the death penalty. The death penalty is for murders who related to the smuggling of aliens or committed during a drug-related drive-by shooting. Sometimes, however, the felons also can avoid the death because some countries (or actually states) don’t allow death penalty. Then, what decision would the convict get? It is a life sentence, which means the prisoner should be in a prison until he or she dies. However, it is not good idea to keep felons. Death penalty should be allowed and get more active because life sentence is costly, unsafe, and insincere for a victim and the family.
The first reason why death penalty should be allowed and get more active is life sentence is costly. According to “What is the Average Cost to House Inmates in Prison”, the average cost of housing an inmate in the U.S. was $31,286 in 2012 for per year. According to the “Who, what, where and why”, the United States has roughly 2.4 million people in prisons. Therefore, the money which America pays to keep prisoners who are in prisons is about $75120000000 for per year.
However, on the other hand, to execute death penalty is also costly. In the article, “Death Penalty Is Too Expensive for States, Study Find”, Warren Richey mentioned about the cost of death penalty. For example, in the article, he said “New York spent $170 million over nine years on capital cases before repealing the death penalty. No executions were carried out there. New Jersey spent $253 million over 25 years with no executions.” He also menti...

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...nce that leads people die.” However, what could prove they are blood family was also DNA testing. Lydia’s lawyer suggested to take DNA data from Lydia’s mother. Then, it could prove not only Lydia and her mother are a daughter and the mother, but also the 3 kids and Lydia’s mother are grandchildren and the grandmother. Therefore, Lydia succeeded to show her and her 3 kids are blood relationship even their DNA could not prove it directly.
From Lydia’s case, we can see the science such as DNA testing can prove the true in a court, and it is enough to be evidence which would let people die.
All in all, capital punishment should be allowed because compared with life sentence, it is better at to the cost, safety, and symbolic representation for the victims. If people got a savage bear that killed a person, the bear will be killed by people instead of being taken to a zoo.

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