The Death Of Yoko Ono And Hester Pryne

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Having grown up in a riches to rags world created by World War II, Yoko Ono knew that life could be tough. She knew what it was like to beg for food (Gannon). So Ono was somewhat prepared when she received lots of hate in her life and was shunned by the world. Her strong background and life partner helped her to fight through the worst of it. There were, and still are, Beatles fans who desperately hated Yoko Ono. She received all sorts of physical and verbal abuse. She was the “Dragon Lady” straight out of Chinese mythology (Iley). She was also painted by the press, not only some sort of oriental dragon, but also as an interloper whose art was too different and as somebody who had no business breaking up John Lennon’s first marriage. However, once the deed was done and Lennon’s first marriage was no more, the press seemed to have no problem acknowledging Ono and …show more content…

She was shunned by the world but was able to rise above it. Just as Hester Pryne in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne was able to rise above the symbol on her chest and turn it into a symbol of good works, Ono was able to take in all of the world’s ill will and use it to create beautiful artwork in her life after Lennon. However, unlike Hester, Ono had the love of her life standing by her during most of her times of hardship. Ono and Lennon were an inseparable couple. They went everywhere together. However, Ono had no Pearl. She was forced to go 25 years without seeing her daughter (Smith). There is also something to be said for their skills as mothers. Both Hester and Ono have at least one child who is thought to be doing quite well in finding their own great love stories. Pearl went to Europe with her mother and never returned, choosing perhaps to stay behind and marry a wealthy gentleman (Hawthorne 224). Ono’s son, Sean, is also on the road to marrying a rich, well-to-do person - he’s currently dating a model

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