The Dangers Of Breastfeeding

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Sushi is a dish with vinegar flavored rice as the main ingredient. It also has a mixture of vegetables, eggs and fresh seafood. Sushi is a meal served cold. It said to have a Japanese origin but it is served in restaurants all over the world. (1).
Health officials are concerned about the consumption of sushi during pregnancy. This is because of the fact that sushi is served in a cold state. Freezing can kill a considerable amount of parasites present in the frozen food. However, the ability of freezing to get rid of all parasitic content of the fish is not certain. Parasitic infections from fish meals include fluke and worm infestation. This cause a number of nutritional deficiencies and other physiological problems. Considering how difficult …show more content…

It comes with a couple of hurdles which sometimes can be stressful for a mother especially first time mothers. If a mother thinks she is not producing enough milk, the questions to ask are: What shows they are not producing enough breastmilk and how old is the baby? These questions will help to know if the mother is really not producing enough milk and if the baby is ready to start taking formula. If so, what kinds of formulas can be introduced?
The Australian dietary guidelines for infants recommend exclusive breastfeeding of babies until they are six months old. The mother can introduce solids after the six months whiles still breastfeeding until twelve months. Breastfeeding can continue after the twelve months if mother and baby wishes. This advice is because of the many benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and child. These benefits include a good resistance to infection by the baby and reduced risk of ovarian and breast cancer on the part of the mother. The child also forms a bond with the mother through breastfeeding …show more content…

National Health and Medical Research Council, Infants Feeding Guidelines recommends the introduction of solids at six months of age. Solids can however be introduced earlier depending on some other factors. (1). If a baby does not get enough sleep, it could be the baby is not well fed. This may be due to the increase in the nutritional needs of the baby. However, four months may be too early or the right time to introduce solids. If a mother finds out her baby is not well fed, she can look for some signs on the baby to find out she is ready to start solids. If the baby puts substances in the mouth and shows interest in adults feeding, it is an important sign. The baby should also show signs of wanting to be breastfed more often than they are getting. A mother can make a smooth mash of food, preferably of a soft food. If the baby is able to take small amount of the puree, is something to also look out for. If she spits the food out, its either she is not ready for the food or she needs more trying to get used to the new taste or new type of food. The baby should be able to sit upright with the right head and neck control when supported.

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