The Crusades Justified

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Crusader Justifications The Crusades are looked upon bleakly in today’s view of history. Anti-Christian “progressives” and the generally historical illiterates attempt to use it as justification of Islamic attacks or why Christianity is an evil or defunct religion. This one-sided popular opinion has caused public condemnation of the Crusades and an entirely subjective version of history taught. The Crusades were morally right, practically right, and worked out for the greater good in the end. The historical background of the Crusades can be traced back to the Roman Empire. The eastern portion of the empire, called the Byzantine Empire, survived past the western half’s destruction at the hands of the germanic barbarian tribes such as the …show more content…

The most practical reason for a Crusade is the defense of Christendom against the Muslim invaders. By the ninth century the African Berbers and Moors attempted to invade mainland europe and established a foothold in the iberian peninsula. These advances were narrowly turned back by stalwart Christians. The Europeans at this time lived in a state of fear due to these invasions and the destruction that came with it. It would be an only natural reaction to this fear to assemble a mighty host and deliver holy chastisement to the enemies. Also the strategic defense of the Byzantine Empire as a buffer zone for Europe in between the Middle East would help prevent further Muslim conquests and added with the prospect of attaining more lands and looting, the entire venture would be appealing to the Europeans of all classes. Some forces even used it solely as a money making opportunity, such as the Venetians with their mercenary fleets. This money that was made in the initial onslaught would go on to enrich european culture and go towards establishing a middle class. Eventually the prosperity of the Crusades went far beyond the initial looting; Trade was established between East and …show more content…

Although entirely unintentional, the Crusades helped advance Europe. The Muslims had made great advances in math, science and medicine while the Christians were burning accused witches. This knowledge was transferred to the Crusaders. Also the Holy Orders like the Templars amassed great wealth and later used it to influence Nations and to almost achieve complete sovereignty. Another effect would be explorative expeditions specifically for trade. With the trade increasing and the link between East and West being made, many European countries wished to find India. They also wished to find the mythical kingdom of Prester John who was believed to be a mighty Christian king and defender of the faith. This increased desire to find these lands lead to the exploration of Africa’s coastline and eventually India being found which lead to Columbus sailing west. So in a long chain of events, it could be said that the Crusades were responsible for the discovery of America. The Crusades also lent a sense of Christian identity to the europeans and a sense of unity between Countries. The Catholic Church rose in power and began to dominate more politically. This Church led political field gave the Holy Roman Empire more power than before and an increase in the corruption of the Church. This also gave way to tension between monarchs and Church officials

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