The Crucible by Arthur Miller

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Characters in The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, exhibit notable sociological behaviors and issues that influence their persona. Experiencing certain events impact their fate and destiny in the play. Their morality is also challenged and affected because of their sociological past. Developing sociological aspects into the play such as influencing mob mentality, narcissism, courtship, and dependency helps in moving the plot along.
The people in the community of Salem are constantly divided amongst each other through sociological warfare. They are able to do this using the social expectations in their strict Puritan society. By separating those who are corrupt from obedient, they use each other's secrets as an advantage over the other. Abigail declares sociological warfare on Elizabeth Proctor. She does this to gain advantage over her in order to get what she can't have, John Proctor. Elizabeth is called to court for questioning. Beforehand, she is informed by Mary Warren that Abigail accused her of witchcraft that day in court. In response, she exclaims, "She wants me dead. I knew all week it would come to this!...She wants me dead John, you know it!" (60). Abigail has just declared her sociological warfare on Elizabeth. She hopes by doing so, Elizabeth will be hung for her 'crime', and she will be able to take her place next to John Proctor.
Their cultural background also contributes greatly to the way the community acts, as well as, it's people. The governing religion of Salem, Massachusetts was Puritan. This religion is a form of harsh Protestantism which follows a theocracy, binding church and state, living by strict moral rules everyone was expected to follow. This was also a major contributor to the mass hysteria. Puritans be...

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...blaming Satanic stimuli for unexplained phenomena"(43). Without their cultural and societal influences, it would be difficult for the readers to understand why certain events evolve and under what pretenses. At the end of the play, each person, some more than others, has developed from their sociological experience.

Works Cited

Bloom, Harold. Bloom's Notes: Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Broomall, PA: Chelsea House, 1996. Print.Gascoigne, Bamber. "Arthur Miller." Twenty Century Drama. London: Hutchinson, 1962. 174- 183. Print.Moss, Leonard. Arthur Miller. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. Print.
Moss, Joyce, and George Wilson. "The Crucible." Literature And Its Times. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1997. 75-80. Print.
Miller, Arthur. "Act II." The Crucible. New York: Viking, 1953. 49-152. Print.
Siebold, Thomas. Readings on The Crucible. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 1999. Print.

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