The Courage Of Richard Chapter Summary

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The main character of this book was Richard Wright. He was fearful of the americans but Richard was still brave. Richard is the protagonist because the story is all about him. He grew up in a unsupportive family. Richard viewed things in a way no one else viewed them. He got treated wrong and got beat up for standing up for himself and putting his pride in front of him. (70) The antagonist in this story was everyone but richard. Mostly the americans, because they belittled the african americans. Richard came across many people who tried to discourage him and were completely ignorant towards him. There were many cases were the americans would insult richard with every bad name they could find in the book. Richard did absolutely nothing but the right thing always. Yet, somehow to the americans and everyone he was always the bad guy. (76) …show more content…

When he was young his dad abandoned him and the family. Richard's mother then gets really sick and continuously is sick. Not having a dad and his mother not being able to be fully there for him causes him to do things he shouldn't. Richards uncles and aunts try to raise both his brother and him but richard didn't like the living situation. He then starts looking for jobs as still a young adolescent. Growing up he is faced with white people who constantly treat him bad and he learns about racism. He is motivated to work so he is able to move up north and he ends up liking it better than the south. The great depression comes into play people and him are left without jobs and he thinks that will save the black race. In the end, richard is set to the writer life.

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