The Corner Shop - Original Writing

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The Corner Shop - Original Writing A thunderous noise blasted through the house as Jim tried to move the sofa from the living room to his bedroom, after several hours Jim had only managed to move it into the doorway of the hall. Jim was a middle aged man with brown hair and he wore a dirty white shirt and jeans, he was now feeling like giving up and paying someone to do it for him, so he flung himself onto the sofa and lit a cigarette while he thought of what to do next. Jim had recently been made redundant, as his frozen food business had been gone bankrupt and was then merged with a rival company who stripped it for the assets. Jim got up and looked around at his mess of a living room. It was filled with junk, like those Russian dolls and other items, like a figurine of mice having tea with the caption under it saying “A stop of tea Mr. Whiskers”. He walked over to the C.D player and played some 70’s music, then walked into the kitchen, picked up the phone on the wall and thought if he should call Jak his best friend. He was a struggling novel writer, it wasn’t that he couldn’t write it was what he wrote about, he would write about mythical beings, vampires, voodoo cures and things of that nature. But when he took it to the editor, the editor always said the same thing “Your stories lack depth,” followed by “all your characters die in the first two pages and then it seems like you copy pages out of another book until you have enough to make it shelf worthy.” Of course this was true but Jak still went back and had another go. Jak wasn’t like most people you see, most people get better with practice but he doesn’t; in fact he probably gets worse. After some time Jim decided to invite him over so they could get drunk and go impulse shopping for useless crap that they would never use.

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