The Complex Social Responsibility Of Voting

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The United States of America has given its people the right to vote for its leaders compare to other locations. Now voting is no new thing but a practice dating back to the ancient city-states of Greece. Just as the people of old, today's citizen must understand and comprehend that voting is accompanied with a personal responsibility. And that this responsibility also extends to a more complex social responsibility of the people.
When discussing if a citizen vote is a personal responsibility, we must first define what “personal responsibility” means in this sense. Let us break down the phrase “personal responsibility” into individual parts to get a better grasp of this phrase meaning. Let’s first defined “personal” as a sense of privacy and emotion of one's own duty to and beliefs. Now, “responsibility” can be defined as; to be held accountable or blamed by an action taken by an individual. After defining both words separately we can attempt to combine their meanings together as follow; “personal responsibility” could be held accountable for …show more content…

We must argue that any individual who votes must also understand how that vote will affect their community. One cannot just vote without reason if we could then this democracy should crumble from the negative impacts of its citizens. Yet we have not reached this point due impart to “social responsibility”. Every citizen understands that what they choose impacts those around them, thus they must vote for the benefit of all the community. Especially for those whom cannot vote, this is “social responsibility”. But there a lot of people who can vote but still believed their vote means nothing. But a perfect example is the 2016 elections after the elections people were upset due to the outcome. But as we look at the data many of these people are those who did not vote, but if they would have then we would be a different

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