The Color Purple

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Color Purple Messages
(An analysis of the film’s themes)
The book, and film of the Color Purple are full of so many ideas and messages and themes, from women's rights to voice, to male dominance, to having courage and so on. The women express certain messages, the men express certain messages, and they both express powerful messages together. There is a vast amount of underlying messages and themes, but there are also the big and obvious messages and themes expressed too. From the film, the Color Purple, three major messages are shown;the power of voice, the ability to stand up for yourself, and the power of strong female relationships.
Initially, Alice walker expresses how powerful voice can be especially in her novel, but also in the film. …show more content…

The movie as well shows this idea through the women of the film. Sophia, Shug, Nettie and Celie all have relationships with each other and especially relationships with Celie. These ties can show up as motherly, sisterly, as a mentor or simply as a friend. It is portrayed that female relationships form a way for the women to gain courage to tell stories and their life. These stories in turn allow the women to bond and band together and resist the oppression they are facing. Through similar experiences these women can relate and act accordingly; mainly by forming a refuge, providing want and love in a world filled with male …show more content…

This idea is directly expressed by women in this movie. When Sophia stands up to Harpo and refuses to be beat on anymore and takes her children and leaves is a powerful moment. She is saying that she has had it, she is taking a stand for herself and no one is going to get in the way of that. Now, Sophia was very independent to start with. It was Celie's transformation that really was the most profound and moving. She started out so beaten down and small and basically without having any voice. She was just pawn on the chessboard. It was through her relationships with other women, and writing her letters to God that brought forth the flower of Celie, that allowed her to blossom. When she finally takes a stand against Albert and refuses to let him use and abuse her,it is truly amazing. She finally stood up for herself and didn't let anyone else make that decision. The fact that it was completely hers, and she did it for herself was the most moving. She took a stand to resist male oppression, and she

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