The Chrysanthemums

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1. The Chrysanthemums

On Henry Allen's ranch east of Salinas

Elisa plants yellow chrysanthemums as

Henry is selling thirty head of cattle to

agents of the Western Meat Company.

After he and Scotty go to round up the

cattle, a tinker shows up. He asks for

work which Elisa says she hasn't. He

asks for seeds for a lady on his route.

Elisa gives him seedlings with

instructions, and then she finds work for

him which he does professionally. To

celebrate the sale Henry drives her to

Salinas for dinner at the Cominos Hotel

and a movie; they drive past the tinker

on the road and she privately weeps.

2. The White Quail

Mary has her garden designed before

its lot is bought, before she's married.

She picks Harry because she thinks the

garden will like him. After the house is

built and the garden established Harry

finds her perfect though untouchable.

She doesn't care for his occupation

(making loans for cars); it's unfair. She

routinely locks him from her tiny

bedroom on the garden. He tries the

lock and leaves quietly. She refuses to

let him have a setter pup since it might

damage her garden. After a white quail

visits the cement pond she fears a cat

will come and asks Harry to put out

poison fish. He refuses but will try to hit

such a cat with his new air rifle. Next

morning he shoots the white quail then

tells Mary it was the cat he buried.

3. Flight

Mama Torres makes Emilo and Rosy

fish when they can. Pepé, who is

beautiful but lazy, is sent to Monterey

for medicine and salt. At Mrs.

Rodriguez's he kills a man with his

father's black switchblade knife. He

returns before dawn, then rides into the

high hills as his family bids him, now a

man, adios. After a day's riding he

sleeps and is awakened by a horse

down the trail. He rides another day

before his horse is shot out from under

him. He exchanges shots and receives a

granite splinter wound in his right hand.

He runs on for several days and is

finally shot dead.

4. The Snake

Young marine biologist Dr. Phillips

brings a sack of starfish from the tide

pool to his laboratory on the cannery

street in Monterey. The lab:

rattlesnakes, rats, cats; killing a cat.

Arrival of a tall, lean woman just as he

begins timed work making a starfish

embryo series. While she waits he

begins embalming the cat. She wants to

buy the male rattlesnake which she

wants to keep in the lab. Her snakish

behavior during the feeding annoys

Phillips. The starfish series is ruined.

She never comes back.

5. Breakfast

A cold pre-dawn, by a country road, I

see a tent with a lit campstove.

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