The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Eighth Grade Bites

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The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod is written by Heather Brewer is a fictional fantasy book that would keep you reading until the end of the series. The main characters Vladimir, Henry, Mr. Otis and Aunt Nelly don’t know how much mayhem they are about to get into. D’Ablo is the antagonist trying to kill Vladimir for his father’s wrong-doing. Vladimir is tall, pale and skinny. He was also bullied a lot and was very shy. Oh yeah did I also mention he is a vampire? He is also the first of his species: he is a half-blood and half-human vampire. Vladimir also drinks anything as long as it goes with blood packs that come from Aunt Nelly because she is a nurse. Vladimir’s Father Tomas was a Vampire who was the President of the Elysian Council until he disappeared because the Elysian council found out he was with a human. Vladimir thought his parents had died Henry is the Vladimir’s best friend. Henry knows Vladimir is a vampire. Vladimir can read people’s thoughts if the person was bitten by him. He can read Henry’s thoughts because when Vladimir was little he had bitten Henry. Aunt Nelly is not really Vladimir’s aunt just Vladimir’s mother’s best friend. Aunt Nelly accepts Vladimir as a vampire. After Vladimir’s parents vanished, Aunt Nelly (a friend of Vladimir’s mother) took care of Vladimir. The setting of the book takes place in a small community of Bathory, a junior high school and Elysia (a fraudulent vampire kingdom). The time of the story is near Halloween time. Now Vladimir will embark on an adventure and see what really happened to his parents and the secret to Elysia. The rising action of the book when Mr . Otis started to substitute for Mr. Craig (Vladimir’s favorite teacher) came to the school because Mr. Craig is missing, and... ... middle of paper ... ...but Otis tells him that there is also school and he will have to work hard. Vladimir realizes that he has to standup for himself. This is where Vladimir will really start his journey. The theme of the story is to stand up for who you are and to be unique. Being unique is an excellent trait that everyone has. Instead of making that ability a curse you should embrace it. When someone picks on us we should be unshaken by it and try to complement ourselves more and more. Vladimir didn’t do that while he was being bullied by his middle school claassmates and threatened by D’Ablo. After Vladimir stood up for himself he did not let anyone mess with him and he lost his shyness. This proves that one positive thing leads to another and soon we will all see a change in our attitudes and behavior. Reading this story shows that and that is what I think the theme of the story is.

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